The ITVET Course

Profile & Program Structure

The ITVET Master program is oriented towards TVET practice. The program focus is on the development and design of vocational education processes and contains modules in specialised didactics, curriculum and media development, TVET management and TVET evaluation.

The program includes 7 compulsory modules and 3 elective modules in which 120 Credit Points are to be reached:


Internships offer the opportunity to enhance the new knowledge in certain areas of application.
The Master program includes an obligatory internship of at least 4 weeks. If you are unsure about your opportunities, we will be happy to assist you in identifying suitable institutions that fit your individual and professional goals.

The Saxony-Anhalt Erasmus Internship Office arranges internships for students, doctoral candidates and graduates in other European countries and awards Erasmus scholarships.  More information can be found here.

Master Degree

Upon successful completion of all modules and the Master Thesis, the students receive the degree Master of Science (M.Sc) in “International Technical and Vocational Education and Training” from the Otto-von-Guericke-University.
The „Master of Science“ degree qualifies for subsequent PhD-studies. The program also prepares you for the postgraduate program „Berufsbildung und Personalentwicklung“ (TVET and human resource development) and fosters competences especially for your own research pro-jects (e.g. within the scope of your PhD studies).

Last Modification: 02.09.2024 - Contact Person: